February 9, 2021

We have a few more shares as a result of our broker adding shares from our last wire that were not initially purchased. As you can see from the post yesterday, there was a balance of over 13 million dinar. They used this balance to increase our holdings today. There are days they attempt to make a purchase and when there are no sellers of the stocks they are getting for us, but eventually get what they are buying at a later time.

We placed our buy order in December for a total of 1,750,000,000 shares. We still have 337,990,803 more shares to complete that order.

Here is the latest summary:

2 thoughts on “1,412,009,197 Shares”

  1. Ange/Murray Urquhart

    Hi Andy hows things? Can you please explain the figures in the summary table

    1. Total Profit/Loss – This is the amount that our current holdings are either up or down compared to what we paid. This summary shows our holdings are up 192+ million dinar over what we paid for all shares to date.

      Balance – This is the amount of dinar in our account available to purchase shares.

      Guarantee ratio – Relationship between company assets and its total debt. Allows the guarantee offered by companies to their creditors to be accredited to deal with payment obligations.

      Net Asset Value – This is the total dinar value of the account which includes all stock purchases and available balance.

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