Sorry to all those who have been sending payment via Cash App, but our service has been terminated. They will not give a reason other than saying we ‘violated’ their terms of service.
This app is owned by PayPal and they are about the worst service out there. We tried paypal with the old group and had massive issues with them.
There is something about ‘investing’ that they fear. We will continue to look for services where we can continue to give you options, but it is very difficult and any service which accepts credit or debit cards are not an option as we have tried that before.
It could get to the point where we can only accept cashier’s checks. Please know that this is not something we are aiming for or want, but there simply isn’t a company who will work with us. None of this is happening because we are doing anything illegal or against any laws.
When it comes to ‘investing’, too many companies see it as a risk or something. We can’t dictate to any company how they choose to operate, so we are at their mercy in allowing us to accept payments through them.
Wow, what has this world come to. They should have at least been professional and gave you a detailed reason as to why they did what they did. Unbelievable. Sorry that both you Andy and George have to go through all this. Imagine how the Cash App people would have really acted if they knew all this was Dinar related. Yikes.