I spoke earlier saying I put in an order for nearly 100 million shares. Turns out, after speaking with our broker, that one of those banks will not be paying out dividends this year and at best the other one will only pay out 3%.
He assured me that the best stock to currently purchase is TASC (Asia Cell). For the past three years they have paid one dinar per share. While that may not seem like much when a dinar is valued at $0.00084, but the total payout in dividends is 13.8%. That is not bad at all. And with owning millions of shares, it can certainly add up.
With that said, I changed my order to reflect the advice of my broker (who, by the way, suggested not to buy the stocks of the company his boss is Deputy Chairman of the Board on) and will add another two million shares of IBSD and then put the balance of our account into TASC. While the share numbers will not grow nearly as fast as buying the cheap bank stocks, it will pay substantially higher dividends and that is what we are looking for in this specific investment.
I will provide the actual numbers as soon as the orders are executed.
If you had a hard time reading the agreement, you can now view a printable version. Click the Investor Agreement link and then the Agreement. You’ll get to the same original page with a link to the PDF printable version. I am sorry that some struggled to view it. Please let me know of any and all issues you face with this site or the company itself. I want to be very transparent with this and I also want to make sure everyone knows what is happening in the easiest, least time consuming way. I truly value your time and if I can do something to make it easier for you, just let me know.
Often times I get excited about something and will share before I really should as in the case of the stock buy order I mentioned. Please know I may say something and then change or correct at a later date. Just know that whatever I do is for the best interest of this group as a whole and will never serve a select few. While I may make a wrong decision or make a mistake, I will do so with the best of intentions.
This site will eventually have a chat area for group members to ask each other about things regarding this investment and general chat. We have been in business just over 3 weeks and while behind for some time, I am now caught up and ready to expand the site as time permits. We have a lot of plans and a chat room is one of those.
Please let me know if you never received a receipt for your block purchase(s).
Have a great weekend everyone!