How much time do we have left?

That question and ‘Do I have time to add more blocks?’ are asked a few times EVERY day and I’m sorry, but it is getting tiresome to answer.

No one knows how much time is left. Anyone who claims to know is a liar. It is as simple as that.

If you are considering joining this group of investors or thinking about adding to what you already have, it is up to you to make that decision. I’m not trying to be rude at all, but I know nothing more than anyone else, which is nothing at all.

For us, it is business as usual until there is a change in the value. I am not going to push you into this or say there is no more time. We do not know. You lose nothing if you send in your funds and the change happens later that day or any time before your funds are sent over. Should that happen you will get a full refund. This is all I can assure you about this.

I want everyone who wants to be a part of this to be a part. Since we won’t know until it happens, if you are trying to decide, you could lose out by procrastinating. That is something I also have no control over.

1 thought on “How much time do we have left?”

  1. I do not know how much time any of us have until the IQD gains value but it seems there is a new CBI Governor and his name is Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif Al-Kitab. Kazemi must think Allak is corrupt.

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